Join our community

Members get unlimited access to create, customize, and print their stories.

Try it out with a 7 day free trial!

Any questions?

Absolutely, you can easily cancel or change your subscription at any time by going to your account page and opening the customer portal.
Get 2 months for free when you subscribe for a year!

We are also working on making My Storybook more accessible for underfunded educators. Please inquire on the support page for details.
Once you've upgraded your plan, you can go to your saved book and press the "Print Storybook" button.

Then follow the instructions on the page to 1) export your storybook to Google Photos and get a high quality printed Photobook or 2) get a PDF and print your own booklet at home.
We want educators to have everything they need to get up and running with My Storybook. Once you start your Educator trial, you'll gain a new magic powers that let you print any storybook and add instructions to storybook pages.

Check out the step by step guide, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions!
Please check out our support page if you have more questions.